How much does it cost to maintain a Tesla Model 3?


The Model 3 is now the most affordable Tesla model available, especially in light of the recent global discounts offered by the American corporation. The choice to buy a new car is contingent on a variety of factors, including upkeep. Do you know how much it currently costs to maintain a Tesla Model 3?

Model 3 is the most affordable alternative available if you want to purchase an electric vehicle from Tesla, especially in light of the recent global discounts offered by the American corporation. 

The choice to buy a new car is contingent on a variety of factors, including upkeep. Do you know how much it currently costs to maintain a Tesla Model 3?

Charging a Tesla Model 3 doesn't cost much

The EnergySage research states that the typical cost to charge a Tesla Model 3 is between 3.60 and 4.62 cents per mile (1.6 km). In other words, while figuring up the minimal shipping cost, if you fully charge a Tesla Model 3's 62 kWh battery, you will have a range of 429 km at a cost of $10.

However, where the charger is will affect how much you pay for charging. For instance, recharging a Tesla Model 3 at a supercharger could cost around $23. It's significantly more affordable to use home charging.

Tesla's charging calculator estimates that it would cost $9.40 on average to completely charge a Tesla Model 3 for a 437 km range.

In any event, compared to comparable fossil fuel (gasoline) vehicles, the Tesla Model 3's fuel-related maintenance expenses are the lowest.

Tesla Model 3 maintenance cost

According to a report from Car Edge, the average Tesla Model 3 maintenance cost over ten years is $3,587, which is cheaper than other luxury sedans averaging $8,374.

One YouTuber noted that he spent around $1,577 to keep his car in good condition over the course of 117,482 km of driving.

Although the American electric car manufacturer advises consumers to "maintain the Model 3 as needed" solely, there are some simple maintenance tasks that need still be done, such as replacing the cabin air filter after two years and adding brake fluid as needed.

The desiccant bag for the air conditioner must also be replaced after six years and the tires must be adjusted after 10,000 kilometers. Tire replacement for the Tesla Model 3 costs roughly $900 every six years.

The absence of adequate coverage of electric charging networks in the Arab region may be the only drawback to having a Tesla electric car in terms of practically all other factors.

It should be mentioned that since the United States of America is where Tesla's official headquarters are located, the maintenance calculation was calculated using the cost of electricity there.

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